Lab Dyeing:
The lab is the heart of the textile industry higher precision lab can aid easily to achieve the goal of the organization. Before bulk production, a sample for the approval from industry is sent to the buyer as per the requirement of the buyer the shade is prepared in a lab dyeing considering the economical aspects.
Process Sequence of Lab Dyeing:
Swatch from Buyer
Color Selection
(Depends on Buyer)
Lab Dip
Sent to Buyer for Approval

Main Ingredients:
- Leveling agent
- Dyes
- Gulber Salt
- Fabric
- Soda Ash
Nowadays industry relies mostly on ‘Lab to Bulk’. Through trial and error basis, which makes it difficult to maintain and achieving the Right Fast Time – RFT resulting in an increase in cost.
RFT achieving the desired color and quality in dyeing at once as per the standard predefined operating processes. In most cases, it is not easy to match all the batches maintaining RFT. As there are numerous factors that affect the performance of dyeing. That’s why the dye-houses suffer from increasing RFT.
Concept of ‘Bulk to Lab’ dyeing
The dyeing laboratory has a great role in setting and achieving RFT. Basically, labs in dye-houses are used for generating lab recipes (usually called Lab Dip), color control, incoming raw materials quality control, in line and of line quality control, and so on. Generating a common recipe for dyeing is one of the objectives of the labs.
Although, it has been well accepted that there are potential differences in bulk and lab dyeing conditions. So dyers on the floors don’t rely on the laboratory recipe much. Most of the time the dyeing experts in a factory trying to adjust the less reliable lab recipe from their experiences and go through some sort of trial. And error process in the bulk for setting a reliable bulk recipe that will give RFT 100%.
In this way, the companies try to improve traditionally the ‘Lab to Bulk’ recipe and RFT. The trial and error occurring in bulk production, even if those done in the sample and small machines, incurs a huge reduction in RFT hence resulting in less productivity.
A design thinking look on the issue is critically important as a good recipe from the lab is important for bulk dyeing to increase productivity and to reduce production cost. It is very important to maintain a good dyeing process in the bulk and the process has to be very reliable and easily controllable. The major work to achieve a reliable bulk process has to be done in a lab, not on the bulk floor.
You can also read: Lab Dip Development
Author of this Article: Rana Sohel Executive Engineer Sunman Textile Mills Ltd. Chittagong Cell: +8801912-420118 Email: