Fabric Finishing:
It’s often been said that it doesn’t matter how you start an endeavor, it matters how you finish. Whoever said this must have known a thing or two about textiles. Many people are surprised the first time they purchase raw fabric material because it looks and feels different than what we’re used to. In the textile industry one of the basic operations in the final processing of materials. Fabric finishes are used to improve the fabric in some way. This could be: improve the appearance, change the texture of the fabric, improve the feel, improve the drape, improve wearing qualities, modify care requirements etc. I have to finishing two types of fabric one is tube format and another is open format. The flow chart of fabric finishing (Tube and Open Fabric) given below.

Flow chart for tube fabric finishing:
Tube Fabric
Balloon Squeezer
Compactor (tube)
Calendar (tube)
Flow chart for open fabric finishing:
Tube fabric
Compactor (open width)
In general, the term “Finishing” applies to all of the operations both chemical and physical carried out to the fabric after production from weaving / knitting machine. From this point of view, Finishing can be considered as a very wide range of operations generally carried out in three stages, namely:
- Pretreatment that is scouring bleaching etc.
- Coloration that is dyeing, printing, etc.
- Finishing is the final stage of the treatment of fabrics to prepare them for the consumer.
- A more restricted view of finishing is that of the third and final stage of the treatment and a simple definition of finishing is given as “finishing is the sequence of operations, other than scouring, bleaching, and coloring, to which fabrics are subjected after leaving the loom or knitting machine.
- Fabric direct from the loom is unattractive. To make the fabric attractive and acceptable to the consumer several finishing processes are applied. Sometimes special finishes are also applied to the fabric to make it serviceable for particular end-use.
Author of this Article: Rana Sohel Executive Engineer Sunman Textile Mills Ltd. Chittagong Cell: +8801912-420118 Email: rsohel07tex@gmail.com