Rieter Blowroom Line:
The number of machines arranged in a line on series to perform all the functions to form a uniform lap form cotton bale is called blow room line. A blowroom line is a sequence of different machines arranged in series and connected by transport ducts. Rieter blow room line consists of the following machines, as shown in Fig.

Flow Chart of Rieter Blowroom Line
1. Unifloc (A -11)
(Bale opener)
2. Uniclean (B-12)
3. Unimix (B-75)
(Homogenous mixer)
4. Unistore (A-78)
(Storage and feeding machine)
5. Condenser (A- 21)
6. Card (C-60)
7. Sliver Coiler (CBA -4)
Blow Room:
Blow room is the place where the spinning preparation begins. It is the initial step of yarn manufacturing. Firstly, opening the fibers into small tufts, then cleaning the trash out of the fibers including micro dust thoroughly, and furthermore, blending them homogeneously with different grades of fibers altogether are the prime functions of blow room.
Author of this Article: Mustaque Ahammed Mamun Quality Assurance Officer, Lamisa Spinning Ltd. Tongi, Gazipur Cell: +8801723300703 Email: mamuntex09@gmail.com