Organogram of Knitting Section in Garments Industry


Organogram means a drawing or plan that gives the names and job titles of all the staff in an organization or department, showing how they are connected to each other. Knitting section of a Garments Industry has an organogram. Organogram of knitting section in garments industry is given below:

Organogram of Knitting Section in Garments Industry

Organogram of Knitting Section in Apparel Industry

Knitting Manager

Knitting Assistance Manager

Knitting Master

Production Master

Production Officer

Knitting Incharge

Knitting Supervisor

Knitting Technician

Knitting Operator

Knitting Helper

Knitting Cleaner

Roles of Textile Engineer in Apparel Industry:

1. Planning: Have to plan all told sections for the graceful flow of the production line.

2. Control: Have to control the production and the people according to the plan to get the optimum efficiency.

3. Organization: Needs to watch over the manufacturing process and introduces the required system needed for quality production.

4. Re-viewing: He has to review all activities of a shift in charge and supervise every day/week/month according to production manager order.

5. Administration: Textile engineer has to plan in all sections for the smooth flow of production.

6. Leadership: A Textile engineer makes the worker give their best by inspiring and motivating.

7. Management Contact: Textile Engineer needs consultation with production manager in a matter of production planning and work distribution of individuals.

8. Maintenance schedule: Textile Engineer needs to check and maintain the proper maintenance schedule for every machine to remain to continue the production.

9. Inventory Control: Textile Engineers plays an important role to control appropriate and necessary spare parts and raw material to smooth run the apparel industry.

10. Product Development: Most of the textile engineers works on product research and development, to improve current textile-based products or creating new products

11. Product Improvement: They come up with innovative ideas and techniques to improve the process, production, and quality of yarns and fabrics produced in the plant.

12. Sourcing: Source the product at the least price while maintaining the quality standard as required by the buyer.

13. Fashion Design: Designers and merchandisers give careful consideration to these fundamentals for even the most basic apparel.

14. Merchandising: Apparel merchandiser has to handle some buyers smartly to consider all of the features of a product, including design, quality, product life-cycle, consumer’s buying ability, and so on.

Author of this Article:
Raju Tex
 Knitting Technologist, B.J.Group
 Chittagong Textile Engineering College

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