Quality is a relative term. It means customer needs are to be satisfied. Quality is of prime importance in any aspect of the business, especially of export-oriented products. Customers demand and expect value for money. As producers of apparel, there must be a constant endeavor to produce work of good quality. Process flow chart of quality section of garment industry is given below.

Working Sequence of Quality Section:
Pattern grading
A pattern through to the cutting section
Fabric inspection (GSM, color shade, etc)
Fabric Ok
Lay check
Print check
Line check
Sewing output check
After remove if have
Finishing (ironing)
Main check ( size measurement)
Size-wise measurement
Get up checking
4 point measurement
Hand tag follows up
Quality is of prime importance in any aspect of the business. Customers demand and expect value for money. As producers of apparel, there must be a constant endeavor to produce work of good quality. In the garment industry, quality control is practiced right from the initial stage of sourcing raw materials to the stage of the final finished garment. For the textile and apparel industry product quality is calculated in terms of quality and standard of fibers, yarns, fabric construction, color fastness, surface designs, and the final finished garment products. However, quality expectations for export are related to the type of customer segments and retail outlets. Thus, quality control and standards are some of the most important aspects of the content of any job.
Objectives of Quality Control: To maximize the production of goods within the specified tolerances correctly the first time and achieve a satisfactory design of the fabric or garment in relation to the level of choice in design, styles, colors, the suitability of components, and fitness of the product for the market.
Author of this Article: Noor Ahmed Raaz B.Sc. in Apparel Manufacturing Asst. Merchandiser Opex Sinha Group, Narayongonj Email: raju.uttara72@yahoo.com