Fabric/Garment Washing:
Garment/fabric washing is a very important part of the garment industry. In this process, a garment is provided with a lucrative and glassy outlook. Washing operations carried out most frequently during a complete textile finishing cycle. They are almost always connected to key treatments and aimed at removing from the fabric insoluble matters, matters already in solution, or an emulsion of other impurities. To fulfill the buyer requirement washing is very important. For this reason, a large number of washing mill is installing in Bangladesh. Now I’m giving the flowchart of fabric or garment washing. Process flow chart of fabric / garment washing is as follows:

Process Flow Chart of Fabric / Garment Washing
Garments/fabric from storehouse
Quality check
Hydro extractor
Quality check
Washing is the best practice in garments manufacturing methods or techniques. Hope this article will help you enrich your knowledge of Garments Washing Factory. In the garments washing plant, a lot of methods are used for different purposes. Where some machines are used in the dry process and the rest of those are used in the wet process of the garments washing plant.
To create a vintage effect and worn out look on the garments washing is very important. Garments washing has to done on the clothing to modify the outlook, to introduce a unique appearance in the clothing, to remove sizing materials from the clothing. It’ll make the apparel softer. To satisfy the customer, to introduce fading effect, and to create new fashion garments washing are an important part of the garments. Nowadays the demand for garments washing is increasing due to buyers’ requirements. Garments washing also applies to knit garments. So the people who are working in the textile sector might have to proper knowledge of garments washing.
Author of this Article: Rana Sohel Executive Engineer Sunman Textile Mills Ltd. Chittagong Cell: +8801912-420118 Email: rsohel07tex@gmail.com