Quality Assurance:
Quality assurance is defined as all those possible planned and systematic actions necessary to provide adequate confidence that a product or service will satisfy given requirements for quality. The quality assurance section is assigned to maintain consistency for the uniform quality of the material in process & various stages of garment manufacturing. In the garment industry, quality control is practiced right from the initial stage of sourcing raw materials to the stage of the final finished garment. Process Flow Chart of the Quality Assurance Department in the Garment Industry is as follows:

Flow Chart of Quality Assurance Department in Garment Industry
Accessories check
Fabric inspection
Shade segregation
Shrinkage test
Size set check
Marker check
Spreading quality assurance
Cutting quality assurance
Hard pattern check
Pre-production meeting
General instruction
Inspector layout
In process audit
Two-time process check
Two-time machine check
Two-time accessories check
Weekly in process summary
100% in the line process check
Sewing final check
Hourly final audit with measurement
Finishing 100% check
Button pulls check
Hourly final audit
Broken needle check
Accessories compliance
Every final audit
Pre-final inspection
Ready for final inspection
In the textile industry, quality is the most important thing. So maintaining quality control in textile is a supreme priority task for textile engineers. A quality controller assure that there is no fault in a product. Because nowadays customers are very much concern about their product quality. We need quality control to meet the buyer’s or customer’s satisfaction level.
To assure the right uses of raw materials and reduces defects and increase the quality of the product, make a good bonding between buyers and customers, added brand value. To survive in the competitive market place. The low-quality product can not be acceptable by the customers or buyers. It takes more time to deliver a product. Bad quality decreases production. Decreases of brand value just because of a low-quality product. So a quality controller team tries to maintain the best quality of a product. Without quality control, an industry never survives in the market. We should have to be focused on maintaining the perfect quality of a product.
Author of this Article: Noor Ahmed Raaz B.Sc. in Apparel Manufacturing Asst. Merchandiser Opex Sinha Group, Narayongonj Email: raju.uttara72@yahoo.com