What is denim?
Denim was traditionally colored blue with indigo dye to make blue “jeans,” though “jean” then denoted a different, lighter cotton textile; the contemporary use of jean comes from the French word for Genoa, Italy (Gênes), from which the first denim trousers were made. Chart of Denim Manufacturing Process is as follows:

The classical denim is a heavy fabric made from 100% cotton and woven from coarse indigo dyed warp and grey un-dyed weft yarn. Traditional denim is a hard-wearing, high-density fabric with a high mass per unit area and a 3/1 or 2/1- twill weave construction.
As far as the manufacturing process of denim is concerned, it is similar to that of Grey fabric up to the process of weaving with the only difference that in the case of Denim Fabric, it is dyed at the stage of sizing whereas, in the case of Grey Fabric, the decision regarding dyeing stage depends upon the finished product.
Flow Chart of Denim Manufacturing Process
Yarn in cone
Bale Warping
Scouring, washing, Dyeing, Developing, Drying
Long Chain Beaming
Desizing, washing, Drying
Heat setting for special weft yarn
Starching, drying
Shrinking control
Inspection & Folding
Denim is a special type of fabric made from 100% cotton fiber or sometimes denim is blended with spandex and polyester. Denim is manufactured by twill weave. Jeans’ products are made from denim fabric. It is highly used for long-lasting usability, comfort, and style. Actually, denim is a special type of fabric made from 100% cotton fiber but sometimes denim is blended with spandex and polyester. Denim is manufactured by twill weave. The blended denim fabric has a very good stretchability, comfortable wear. The denim fabric was introduced by Levis Strauss. Basically, denim is used for making jeans (pants, jacket). Blue indigo color is normally used for coloring denim. The popularity of denim products is increasing day by day. Because denim is fashionable and comfortable to wear. Teenagers prefer denim as a part of their commonly used garments.
Author of this Article: Raju Tex Knitting Technologist, B.J.Group, Mawna, Gazipur Chittagong Textile Engineering College Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ERZRAZU